Sunday, May 11

Life with Littlies - May 2014

I've just finished up a great iphone course with Define that really opened my eyes to the life I need to be capturing more of. This time with 'littlies' is so day soon they'll be grown up before my eyes...and I don't want to wish the time away, not matter how hard it might be.

I've been missing my 'big girl' camera though so here's a little glimpse of what May looks like at my place...

PS. A group of amazing photogs and I are starting a great collaboration entitled 'the story of me' in which we make an effort to start capturing US...not just what goes on around us. In order to get in that frame of mine I decided to make sure there was at least one pic of me in this instalment...even if it is a mirror selfie (gotta start somewhere right?)


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